
Healing Thoughts

Healing Thoughts

Along with diseases like cancer and diabetes, one disease of which our world could do without is that of talking way too much. Tempering your tongue to learn to speak only when necessary ensures that you will be least likely to be ignored when you have something significant to say.

Healing Thoughts

I have never really been able to see the benefits of hoarding. After all, since life as we know it is so full of the weird and the ironical, in the event of our demise there’s always a high possibility that what we spend our energy hoarding will be taken over by people we did […]

Healing Thoughts

“Aid.” is a word that is bandied around in world politics today. Used as the meaning of the word itself truly implies, it should be an unstinting lending of hand to a neighbour, brother or friend in need. However, the way aid is given today has actually made nonsense of the true meaning of that […]

Healing Thoughts

Oftentimes, it is the ‘inferior’ beings we disdain who have been able to tap into the wisdom of how life was meant to be lived. Take an animal in the field for example, it hunts only when it is hungry, and then when it is satiated, it leaves whatever is left over for others. But […]

Healing Thoughts

We human beings call ourselves “Homo Sapiens,” – literally translated, it means, “knowledgeable Beings.” If we were indeed knowledgeable, we would know that a benign animal that has been deprived of the basic necessities of its daily sustenance is capable of turning ferocious, and dangerous. Homo Sapiens? I really wonder. Sarah Udoh-Grossfurthner

Healing Thoughts

Unwavering belief in God saves us from the darts and barbs of our foes. Sarah Udoh-Grossfurthner

Healing Thoughts

The other word for faith is the unshaken believe in something that has not yet materialized. Without that belief, every negative word directed at our lives finds its spot and hits home with resounding and damaging impact. Simply put, without a belief that you will achieve that which you are praying and working hard toward, […]

Healing Thoughts

The irony of life is that we the living spend so much energy acquiring things that are non-living and that it is the unstinting energy that we put into acquiring those non-living things which is often responsible for our inability to live our lives to the fullest. Sarah Udoh-Grossfurthner

Healing Thoughts

The corrupt steal, loot and deprive the rightful of their inheritance. In so doing, he lives under the delusion that he is clever and smart. In the long run, though, the nemesis of his cunning and “clever” way is visited on his children and beloveds. Who then is fooling who? Sarah Udoh-Grossfurthner

Healing Thoughts

Inspired by Mathew 6:33

The Bible says that God’s Word is “Aye and Amen.” Simply put whatever His Word speaks about any man or any situation is exactly what will take place. On Thursday the 19th of November, 2009, I attended a leadership seminar hosted by Vienna Christian Centre.

Healing Thoughts