

I was away on a Retreat these past few days. In the next few days I will be focusing on inspirations I received while there. Our lives are like a river. Just as a river flows into other rivers, streams and seas, we are blessed in order that we may be a blessing to others. […]

Healing Thoughts

Going away for a couple of days. Tune in next week:-)

Healing Thoughts

Those who are quick to judge others equates dignity with pride; a very wrong deduction indeed. While pride comes from ignorance and the ‘I know it all, my way is the best way’ syndrome, dignity can only be acquired through knowledge and understanding; and knowledge and understanding are the backbone of tolerance. Sarah Udoh-Grossfurthner

Healing Thoughts

I’d rather religion as my opium of choice, than the poppy fields of Bogotá. Sarah Udoh-Grossfurthner

Healing Thoughts

Be kind and generous, especially if you have children. If you don’t reap the result of your giving spirit directly, your children will. There’s no better legacy to bequeath to them.                             Sarah Udoh-Grossfurthner

Healing Thoughts

A person’s words are like bullets from a medieval cannon.  Used wisely they are powerful tool aid, assuring victory to set goals.  Used unwisely, however, they can destroy both the intended target as well as the cannon itself.    Every great work goes through different stages of rough work, call it draft if you will, before […]

Healing Thoughts

My thoughts are being re-aligned by the power, love and grace of the Most High. His Grace will always be sufficient for me. Sarah Udoh-Grossfurthner

Healing Thoughts

Anyone can make money, but not everyone can make an impact. While it is good to have the former, it is so much better to earnestly seek for the latter. For it is impact which leaves indelible prints on the footpaths of life. Sarah Udoh-Grossfurthner

Healing Thoughts

Pandora’s Box Charity

[fancy_header type=”style2″]The Nigerian Village Square[/fancy_header] Like most Nigerians, I am still enrapt in the recent ‘news-worthy’ incident which seems to be spellbinding my fellow country men – Nigerian Big Men Naira Display at Madam Turai’s recent launching of her cancer project. [button href=”” popup=”1″]Read Full Article[/button]


Running on a wounded leg by Sarah Udoh-Grossfurthner

Needing to stop, but determined, determined to forge ahead, otherwise, what then? what else? Life must go on.

Healing Thoughts