


Re-branding Nigeria – Pouring Old Oil into New Bottle

Modern Ghana Magazine (This article, which seems to be generating quite a lot of interest, was first published in the ‘Nigerian Village Square Forum’) ‘Rebranding;’ that is the new catch-phrase in Nigeria these days. The idea behind the phrase is to turn Nigeria around, regain the dignity and respect the country has lost in the […]


Who will be the Obama of our Land?

The Nigerian Village Square Although I’d like to witness an Austrian Obama – I do live in the country – but Vienna, the capital of Austria, has just this year been ranked 1st in a survey carried out by Mercer, to assess the cities with the best living standard. For this reason, I am more […]


Decline and Fall

Time Magazine Re Postcard: as the pound loses its exalted position, why is the U.K. still refusing to join the euro [Feb. 9]? Could it be that the pound, and the monarchy it represents, are the only things left that uniquely identify the country — perhaps the most cosmopolitan in the world, with millions of […]
